Product Info
New bone china is a kind of high quality porcelain. It does not contain bone powder but feldspar and quartz, firing at 1300℃, resulting harder and more transparent than the porcelain.
Ocean Watercolor‘s design idea is come from the summer seaside feast. When the waves beat on the beach, the coral and watercolor on the bottom of the sea swayed freely with the waves. In this soft design, various colors naturally merge with fresh blue, yellow and green.Return & Refund Policy
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You can return unopened items in the original packaging within 30 days of your purchase with receipt or proof of purchase.
Shipping Info
All orders are subject to product availability. We make every effort to fulfill your order within 15 business days of the date of your order. To find out how much your order will cost, simply add the items you would like to purchase to your cart and proceed to the checkout page. For more detail, please see our blog Shipping Info.
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